VANCOUVER, B.C. - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden has announced in a major speech at the Munich Security Conference that the Obama administration will continue with the development of the U.S. Missile Defense system, a system re-initiated by the G.W. Bush administration when it unilaterally announced abrogation of the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty on Dec. 13, 2001, in the aftermath of the Bush administration false flag operation of September 11, 2001. U.S. missile defense is a $trillion-dollar weapons system to continue the research & development for space-based weapons, and the defense contract mandate for the weaponization of space, and is the strategic long term-plan for space weaponization.
Despite its 2008 campaign promises to seek a ban on the weaponization of space, the Obama administration has now adopted the long-term plan of the Bush administration for promoting the weaponization of space - U.S. missile defense.
Atlanta Life Magazine recently sponsored a public debate on "The New Star Wars" between Frank Gaffney, founder and president of the Center for Security Policy in Washington, D.C., and Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, International Director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS) in Vancouver, B.C.
Please take a few moments out of your busy day to read this important debate between two radically different points of view about space weaponization.
The most startling conclusion you will come away with is that U.S. missile defense - the space weaponization plan of the Bush administration - is identical under the Obama administration. No change under Obama for now.
The New Star Wars: Experts debate the U.S. missile defense system (Atlanta Life Magazine)
Frank Gaffney versus Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Please download Parts I - IV of the Gaffney-Webre debate on The New (Obama) Star Wars (PDF):
Part I: Gaffney-Webre debate on The New (Obama) Star Wars (PDF)
Download New Star Wars Debate - Part I
Part II: Gaffney-Webre debate on The New (Obama) Star Wars (PDF)
Download New Star Wars Debate - Part II
Part III: Gaffney-Webre debate on The New (Obama) Star Wars (PDF)
Download New Star Wars Debate - Part III
Part IV: Gaffney-Webre debate on The New (Obama) Star Wars (PDF)
Download New Star Wars Debate Part IV
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- Debate sobre la Defensa Anti-Misiles de EE.UU: Frank Gaffney (CSP) vs Alfred Webre (ICIS):
Posted by: Ian T. Cruz | February 15, 2009 at 06:09 AM