NOTE: The following statement was released for public distribution by the office of U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich (Dem-Ohio) on May 18, 2005.
From: Dr. Carol Rosin <[email protected]>
Date: Wed May 18, 2005 11:39 am
Subject: IMPT Message from D. Kucinich re US space weapons/world control/the wrath of God/money...or peace
"The Administration is considering putting weapons in outer space, to give the United States the power to control the world. This astronomical arrogance pushes not simply aggression to new heights, but may well preclude our nation from spending money for anything other than weapons, which will cost hundreds of billions of dollars.
"The National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 states that it is "the policy of the United States that activities in space should be devoted to peaceful purposes for the benefit of all mankind." Space was envisioned as a place of cooperation, of confirming human unity, a place where we could aspire to build a new platform of peace, fulfilling the prophecy of the poet Browning who wrote: "but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?"
"What has happened to our country? Why are we projecting fear and paranoia to such heights? Have we so lost our way and our faith that we are prepared to transform the heavens into hell? If the kingdom and the will of God is to be done on earth as it is in heaven, what is to happen when the United States takes nuclear fire up to the gates of heaven?
"Such an offense against humanity could bring the wrath of God upon this nation."
Representative Dennis Kucinich
U.S. Congress
Dr. Carol Rosin is President of the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS) and directs ICIS South America campus in Vilcabamba, Ecuador.
Rep. Dennis Kucinich (Dem-Ohio) introduced the Space Preservation Act and its companion Space Preservation Treaty banning all speace-based weapons and establishing an independent Outer Space Peace Keeping Agency to enforce the ban on weapons and warfare in outer space.
The Space Preservation Treaty is at:
Campaign for Cooperation in Space
The Unites States is being represented by the most tyrannical administraion, perhaps in her short history. The arrogance has risen to new heights and could possibly jepordize the lives of the world's inhabitants. It is the duty of the United Nations to stop George Bush and the rest of his outlaw administration from the insane idea of using space as a weapons platform and bring Peace to the rest of the world.
Posted by: bruce holms | May 20, 2005 at 12:20 PM
يك قطعه سنگ آسماني ( شهاب سنگ ) در اطراف شهر مشهد در ايران كشف گرديده كه داراي نشانه هائي از حيات مي باشد. اين سنگ به تائيد پزشكاني در ايران براي تاييد اين موضوع رسيده است . در صورتيكه مايل به ديدن اين سنگ هستيد با من تماس بگيريد.
Posted by: masoud | June 12, 2005 at 07:30 AM